Sativa Calabria is born

Associazione Promozione Sociale. Gruppo Canapa Domani





We are a group of people who have decided to stir things up.

The intellectual stagnation time is made of demotivation and disappointments of the past experiences.  

Surely today's social life does not help, but the individuality is the trump card.

The experience and expertise that we have approached, on the background of a substantial familiarity and mutual respect, are the intellectual curiosity, a diversified ground and the desire to get back on the game.

Who in the end post teaching work, those agricultural entrepreneurship, who came out of the work cycle by choice and/or crisis, with multivariate experience in other sectors.

The decision to merge in a communitas rei, whose "res" must be understood in a holistic sense, is to combine the intelligentsia and the earth, the mind and the root of an ancient plant.

The choice, therefore, of the Cannabis Sativa is to root experiences, clearing, as the same plant, the soil eventually polluted.

Shifting from a 'work' antique that which will contribute to the health-needs of a current canteen where the food is entering positive and healthy factors for the mind and body.

Organoleptic properties of the cannabis plant: antioxidant, causing calm, relaxation, great for oil and flour, in its seed, enriching the cardiovascular mechanisms, reducing the levels of fat in the blood, soothing and rebalancing of the deep layers of the skin and surface layers.

It belongs to the family of Cannabinacee; it is dioecious, as it has flowers unisexual male and unisexual female.

Not easy to identify the country of origin of the hemp.

A useful indication can be the fact that a vast area stretching from the Lower Danube to the northern China sees the spontaneous flowering of cannabis plants and this would confirm the Asian origin of this plant.

Herodotus narrates that in the land of the Scythians, beyond the Black Sea, even the Thracians knew her and wove to make garments. These people were known even the psychotropic effects, because they used to throw "hemp seeds on hot stones to fire and these gave off smoke and steam, in which they immersed themselves happy, throwing screams."

Making a huge jump from the 500 a.c. us, in Italy, has since 1300 that cannabis cultivation has spread to many Italian regions and took over the industrial cultivation character.

The Cannabis plant passed, then, through the centuries of the Roman world.

The cultivation was that in order to obtain fiber. But also seed.

From the lower Po Valley to the Piedmont and down down the Terra di Lavoro, municipalities Atellani, the Kingdom of Naples. And we are in 1800.

Italy was the second country in the world for the production of hemp. The first place has always been held by Russia. Followed, at a distance, from Poland, Hungary, Yugoslavia (Croatia and Slovenia) and Korea.

Most of the families lived for generations, the hemp business.

The crisis was caused by loss of central funding, immobility in the diversification of the crop, lack of dynamism in the specialization.

low income without support and sanitary conditions for special processes, both at the stage of the agricultural cultivation, and in the subsequent for obtaining the fiber, created dangerous situations for the health and well-being of households.

And finally the innate and enduring distrust of all forms of associations that prevented to join in cooperatives. All together it spelled the end of the Italian cultivation of hemp.

"Sativa Calabria" intends to spread the "Local Sustainable Development" that comes along with the people and to the people.

The Calabrian Ruralità "live and die" in the innumerable "minor historic centers" that still maintain the urban and morphological structure of the "knowledge and tastes", rich in economic, productive testimony (arts and crafts) of an ancient people, which comes from the Greeks to the Mediterranean Diet.

To return to our Association

"Sativa Calabria", a cultural association for the promotion of social, also promotes the meeting of the southern territories to have a “HEMP SOUTH”, tomorrow in view of an inter-industry agreement and/or national: Cannabis Sativa in agri-food, in cosmetics, in the pharmaceutical, in construction, in the paper, textile and, not least, in animal husbandry and phytoremediation.

After the ideological fumes and the ghettoisation suffered in the Beautiful Country (not in the EU of the strong and in the world) finally returns the Canapicoltura with prestige to be considered an "agricultural plant" capable of diversified income, also in rogue region (read Calabria!).

Is the subject of the legislative proposal being approved in the Senate, among which the drafters the initially prophetic On. Nicodemo Oliverio, present at the theme of the July 4, 2015 in the Calabrian Sila, organized by the Group HempTomorrow (Gruppo Canapa Domani).

The constituent network of companies "Food and non-Food" Cannabis Sativa, however, alternative and environmentally sustainable, has promoted, among other things, in the current agrarian year an experimental sowing of Cannabis Sativa on farms participating.

The goal: find the upstream and downstream, towards the sea, the ideal habitat for future investments. thematic meetings in the area have seen the interested participation "active" of the insiders and the curiosity of many citizens.

Have occurred more meetings: November 18, 2014, at the School Agraria- Ita Tommasi di Cosenza; July 4, 2015 at the Fattoria  Bio’  dei  fratelli  Grillo, c.da Lagarò di Celico (CS), with visit on the experimental field for Variety Using 31 and Zenit.

And finally, as a guest, the interregional group "Gruppo Canapa Domani" participated in the meeting organized by the Laboratory for Rural Development, City of Altomonte, in the day of 18 July 2015, on the theme "The Cereal Antica is synergistic to the cultivation of hemp for power nutraceuticals ".

The agronomist, Dr. Vincenzo Rende, a pioneer of “Canapa Domani- HempTomorrow", with Valerio Zucchini, technologist Emilia - Romagna, Rosario Scotto, SMEs in Molise Hemp, Saverio Grillo Farms Bio ', have launched the proposal-challenge: insert the Hemp in the Regional Agricultural Policy for sustainable development.

 Logo Sativa Calabria
logo Associazione Sativa Calabria

Vincenzo Rende, agronomo
Vincenzo Rende, Responsabile Filiera Canapa Domani
Edilizia Canapa
Prodotti Edilizi Canapa
Olio Canapa
Alimenti Canapa
Valerio Zucchini
Valerio Zucchini, tecnologo
Sila, Fattorie Bio'
Gruppo in campo Canapa, luglio 2015

Canapa, Sila, 2015
Campo Canapa, luglio 2015
pappardelle a base di canapa
pappardelle farina di canapa


Sativa Calabria

Via R. de Bartolo, n. 31

Rende, 87036 (Cosenza) 

sede legale



Sativa Calabria

Via F.lli Bandiera, 25/D

87036 Rende (Cs)

sede operativa




Telephone: +39 / 333 3713351

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